Prayer is at the core of the Christian's walk with God; Prayer is the life-giving spiritual breath of any ministry. Individually – as each RBU missionary cries out to God for His safety and provision, His peace and His wisdom upon their life. As a Field Team – as RBU missionaries work together in teams to share the gospel while praying for unity, creativity, safety, and love for one another and the people they serve. And equally, as an organization – whereby the RBU Board, RBU Workers and Staff, RBU Prayer Partners and Supporters come together in coorperate praise, worship and supplication for the RBU Mission and RBU Missionaries, the Roma with whom they share and serve, and the lost whereever they are encountered.
It is this 'Culture of Prayer' which RBU Prayer Committee Chairperson, Kristy Kobylinski is working toward building throughout 2025 – RBU's 10th year of ministry amoung the ROma of Central and Southern Europe.
With the help of RBU Board Members, Kristy is organizing and creating various prayer venues in order to build within RBU a 'Culture of Prayer' throughout all facets of the Roma Bible Union.
Look for the following Prayer Spaces to commence during 2025. Perhaps one of these new Prayer Spaces spaces will best suit your desire to join in prayer with the Roma Bible Union.
The RBU What's App PRAYER LINE is the prayer space for those who would be willing to pray as needed. Members joining this What's App Group will receive requests for immediate prayer, personal requests which have been shared by the RBU missionaries. In the past, this level of intimate prayer partnership has been by invitation. Now we open the space for those who would request and be willing for a more intense and personal level of prayer support.
Sign up below to communicate to the Prayer committee's leadership your desire to join this group and share at this level of prayer support through the RBU What's App PRAYLINE. Once recieved the Prayer Leaders will contact you, your What's App number will be added to the group, and you will begin to receive prayer requests as they come in. Prayfully consider joining this group as some of the prayer requests may be more intense and at times disturbing. Bless you for it.
Each quarter, the RBU Prayer Committee will sponsor a 24-Hour Day of Prayer. RBU has conducted 24-Hour Days of Prayer in the past and those who participated have been blessed to see the way in which God answered their prayers in the weeks and months to follow.
The RBU Prayer Committee, in its desire to create a Culture of Prayer within RBU, will again begin to off and lead these 24-Hour Prayer Days with concentrated prayer requests for the missionaries and thee ministries of RBU, the Roma people and churches they serve, the Board of Directors of RBU, the finances and fundraising for missionaries and ministries of RBU, as well as any other RBU prayer needs as they surface.
RBU 24 Hour Days of Prayer will be announced in the Roma Diary as well as in the Monthly Prayer Bulletins (see in column to the right) sent out to all those who sign up. To learn more about the RBU 24-Hour Days of Prayer or to sign up for the next scheduled RBU 24-Hour Day of Prayer – click the 24-Hour Day of Prayer Logo above or click here.

Virtual Prayer Meetings
In the future, the RBU Prayer Committee will be hosting PRAYER LIVE – a quarterly Virtual Prayer Meeting. RBU Friends and Supporters may link into a PRAYER LIVE scheduled Zoom-linked call and pray alongside the RBU Prayer Committee Members, RBU Missionaries and Staff, and the RBU Board Members for as long or as short a time as they are able. Look for announcements of, and Zoom-linked invitations to, the dates and times of RBU's next scheduled PRAYER LIVE in either RBU'S monthly e–bulletins, PRAYER PAGES, or the Monthly Roma Diary.
We pray that once started, RBU's PRAYER LIVE Virtual Prayer Meetings will be a blessing for all who drop in to pray with us. Through regular prayer, PRAYER LIVE contributes to the growth of the RBU ministry, the needs of its missionaries, and the lives and churches of Roma they serve. PRAYER LIVE will support RBU's Culture of Prayer adding the familiar dimension of the 'live' and virtual 'prayer meeting' experience to the many options for prayer which RBU offers.
Sign up to receive via email the RBU Monthly Prayer Pages, an e-bulletin of RBU's prayer requests covering the needs of the RBU Missionaries, RBU Ministries, Roma Pastors, Roma Churches,the RBU Home Office, the RBU Board of Directors, Fundraising, and upcoming RBU Special Projects. If a digestible e-bulletin delivered as a list of prayer items which you can schedule into your personal prayer time is your prefered method of administrating your prayerlife for the ministries of which you support and pray, sign up below to begin to receive the RBU Monthly 'PRAYER PAGES' e-bulletin. Thank you so much for praying for the Roma Bible Union.
RBU desires to include in its ‘Culture of Prayer’ the prayers of the children – Roma and non-Roma. The LITTLES PRAYER is a downloadable PDF prayer communique to aid families, Sunday School and Christian School teachers, AWANA leaders, and Pastors in bringing children into early intercession for little Roma children “just like me” – prayer for their families and villages, their churches and schools, their physical and spiritual needs. The LITTLES PRAYER communique will be translated into Roma dialects and/or national languages as well for the dissemination to Roma children in UNA Clubs and Roma churches so they may also pray for other Roma children “just like me”.

Like pen friends, PRAYER PALS (old and young) are pairs of national or international prayer partners who have been connected via RBU PRAYER PAL sign-up campaigns. Once connected and information exchanged, the PRAYER PALS may meet-up in which ever way they prefer, (email, live chats, visits, etc.) and pray over an age-appropriate set of prayer requests emailed to them periodically by the RBU Prayer Committee. RBU also hopes in its Culture of Prayer to connect Roma-to-Roma in different geographical areas so that Roma Christians would be able to engage in prayer for their own people as well.

Guided contemplative podcasts which prayer partners can listen to while walking and praying. PRAYER WALKS is another way of connecting in prayer in the quiet and beauty of nature. Gentle worship music and softly-guided audio of prayer and contemplative reflection brings prayer for the Roma people into the peaceful spiritual space of the out-of-doors. Less of a 'prayer-list' and more of a prayer-worship experience, PRAYER WALKS will begin in the Spring of 2025 for those wishing to pray the spiritual peace and blessing of God's nature into theirs and the Roma's spiritual experience.