Please choose a time slot of either 15, 30 or 60 minutes within any of the hourly slots which are still free (See below).
Fill in the Contact Form below indicating in the message your chosen time slot.
Your name/choosen time will will be added to the online schedule (again see below). A copy of the prayer requests for RBU will be mailed to you two days before the RBU 24-hour Day of Prayer begins.
Bless you for taking the time to pray for the Roma people, villages, pastors and churches as well as The Roma Bible Union,the RBU missionaries, their families, and their ministries!
Remember to consider the time zones when making your choice.
12 am MIDNIGHT Eastern Standard Time (i.e. New York)
5 am GMT (UK)
7 am EET (GREECE) etc.

All times will be posted in the time reference as the Prayer Partner stated in their request.
12.00 AM Midnight Eastern Standard Time
Jennie Webb
1.00 AM
Joy Eastwood
2.00 AM
Robin Eastwood
3.00 AM
4.00 AM
4:30 AM-4:45AM
Alan Roy
5.00 AM
5:30 AM - 6:00 AM
Paige Tighe
6.00 AM.
Kristy Kobylinski
7.00 AM-7:15 AM
Beverly Roy
7:15-7:30 AM
Eben Conner
7:30AM - 7:45AM
Cassie Seppanen
8.00 AM
Ashok & Naila Kumar
9.00 AM-9:30 AM
Nancy Hitching
9:30 AM-9:45 AM
Don Palumbo
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Jackie Densmore
10.00 AM.
Jelle Huisman
11.00 AM
11:30 AM-12 noon
Ron and Ann Reese
Tim Nichols
1.00 PM
2.00 PM
Misha Bakic
3.00 PM
Aimee Palumbo
4.00 PM
Joy Eastwood
5.00 PM
Robin Eastwood
6.00 PM
7.00 PM
7:15 PM- 7:30PM
Seppanen Family
8.00 PM-9:00 PM
Lynneanne Coyle
9:00 PM-9:15 PM
(8:00 PM - 8:15 PM CT)
Bev Garoutte
9.00 PM - 9:30 PM
Nancy Hitching
10.00 PM
11.00 PM
God bless you for selecting a time to pray with us. Look for your email with the list of pryer requests soon!