"Bob had the vision and motivation to change the world, and I'm very honoured to have known him and to have been a part of it." Elvira Marginean
As their ministry grew, Bob and Nancy encountered Roma children and young adults who desired to excell in their education but found the financial and social challanges they faced at home, in their families, and villages was rendering their success verry difficult. Sometimes the academic deficit they faced in one or two subjects of their cirriculum meant that achieving thier necessary educational goals – and therefore their vocational dreams – was beyond their academic reach.
Conversations with school pedagogues and teachers confirmed that with the addition of paid tutors, financial aid with standard school supplies,clothes,technology, transport, and in some cases housing – alongside the mentoring encouragement of a consistant contact – made the difference for students who were already doing well, were highly motivated, but needed that extra assistance to be able to succeed at completing their High School education and therefore be able to enter university. And so the Roma Bible Union began to fill some of those gaps and help Young Roma Students with what they individually needed to succeed and complete their education.
Over its 21 year history, The Roma Bible Union has sponsored several young Roma students with scholarships, mentorships and assistance with just such additional turtoring, technology and school supplies and financial aid. The Young Roma Students Scholarship has suppported young Roma students who have been able to complete High School, Vocational School, and Univeristy. With the degrees they were awarded they have been able to realize their voacational dreams and make gainful employment a reality.
Elvira Marginean

Elvia was one of the early recipiants of the RBU Roma Student Scholarship completing her Bacholors in Business Studies while writing for the KASKADA MAGAZINE and working on RBU ministry traveling teams as well as alongside Bob and Nancy in the parish church in Kapelna
Elvira has commenced a Masters Degree in Business and hopes one day to complete a PhD. Bob and Eliva often discussed the viability of the potential for mico-business in the Roma communities. RBU is honored to have had Elivra on its KASKADA MAGAZINE team and on ministry teams over the years.

Elvira shares her memory of her studentship:
I met Bob in January 2015. At that time, which I still remember well, I was invited to Osijek to introduce us to Kaskada magazine and to find out what direction my writing would take.
My topic was “A Time for Tears“.

Bob understood my passion for writing and he encouraged and supported me in my writing. That was the beginning of our bond.
My father was battling cancer at the time and financially it was very difficult for me to figure out how to move forward. I told Bob I wanted to go to university and explained to him what I wanted to study.Because it was very difficult for us, I prayed every day for God to show me the way because I knew I couldn't do it without support.
Bob & Nancy (RBU) not only supported me with my accommodation fee and utilities, they also paid my tuition fees every year of my studies.RBU also helped me with educational materials such as a laptop, exam fees and also books.
Bob was not only a mentor, not only a brother in Christ, he was like a father to me.
I could always talk to him.He knew the importance of family and loving and feeling the love, especially for me, and he managed to make us all feel like part of the family, not just when we were together. But all the time.
With his support I was able to complete my Bachelor's degree in Business.
Bob has had a huge impact on my life, not only spiritually but also professionally.
It has been a while since I last saw Bob, since I got married and moved to Austria (Linz).
We kept in touch through social media. We shared the same passion for the Bayash people and I can say without hesitation that his heart was in the right place.
I cannot begin to explain how much Bob has helped me in my studies and in my life.
Our main goal was to break the stereotype that Roma children (especially girls) are not educated.
Bob had the vision and motivation to change the world, and I'm very honoured to have known him and to have been a part of it.